Leadership Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Riding

Leadership Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Riding

I met Elise Mitchell, CEO of Mitchell, when I gave a keynote last month at the PRSA’s Counselors Academy (a convening of C-suite leaders throughout the public relations industry).  She has a great story, building essentially a one-woman communications practice in...
What Really Went Wrong on Game of Thrones

What Really Went Wrong on Game of Thrones

SPOILER ALERT:  IF YOU HAVEN’T SEEN THE LAST SEASON OF GAME OF THRONES—AND DON’T WANT TO KNOW HOW IT ENDS—DON’T READ THIS BLOG POST!  Last week, more than a million people signed a petition demanding a re-do of the entire final season of the wildly popular Game of...
Quisque non viverra felis

Quisque non viverra felis

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Cras convallis nisl ut volutpat accumsan. Sed aliquam tortor nec sem finibus, sit amet molestie nisi ornare. Quisque volutpat faucibus ligula et finibus. Maecenas tincidunt lacus nisl, nec laoreet ante egestas...