Instant Motivational Insight
for the Workplace!

For You
For Your Team
For Your Organization

Want to get more naturally motivated at work?  Build a more engaged and committed team?  Convey who you are and your unique value more authentically?  These eternally frustrating questions have one very simple solution—and it’s found in stories!

You don’t have to be a great storyteller to use the power of narrative to motivate yourself and others. You just need to know which character in a great story mirrors you or your group’s best, most energized and most effective self (that’s your Story Type).  You can then tap the power of the human mind’s built-in Narrative Intelligence to unlock your core motivational pattern and unleash its power in all kinds of ways. 

What is Narrative Intelligence?

A Game Changer.

Narrative intelligence is the ability to recognize and respond to patterns of meaning and motivation within and around us. It’s a game changer for professionals who develop this innate ability and learn how to leverage the dynamics that most affect individual and group identity, resilience, creativity, productivity, effectiveness and impact on others.

Name, claim and unlock core motivational power

Who are you and what motivates you most?

Story typing is a framework and coaching method that brings the the power of narrative intelligence to life. By identifying which one of 12 universally known characters is most like them, coaches and their clients use story typing to recognize the motivating strengths and values most likely to enhance their potential, performance, fulfillment and contribution.

Get Story TYPED

Take the free version of the Professional Strengths, Values & Story Survey (SVSS).


Creator (imagining)


Caregiver (developing)


Ruler (strategizing)


Hero (achieving)


Revolutionary (reforming)


Magician (transforming)


Jester (playing)


Everyperson (empathizing)


Lover (appreciating)


Innocent (believing)


Explorer (discovering)


Sage (thinking)

*Based on Dr. Carol S. Pearson’s breakthrough 12 archetype motivation model

How can a Narrative Intelligence Coach help you, your team or your organization?


Leverage your strengths and values to step up more confidently and successfully in your role


Create an authentic leadership presence and brand and stand out in an inspiring way


Adapt your communication and messaging to more effectively reach others and influence a positive outcome


See and appreciate diverse team member strengths and styles to build a more successful, open and committed team


Align your team’s character, capacity and motivators with mission and create a shared identity and purpose


Build greater engagement, flexibility and performance power

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